5 distances, 6,000 competitive athletes, 20,000 participants in the Stracittadine. These are the numbers of the Padova Marathon, one of the main races in the international running calendar, but also a great event for the whole city.
The thrill of seeing Prato della Valle open up in front of you when you approach the finish line is beyond words. But the final stretch of the route is not the only thing that makes the Padova Marathon unique: it is its entire landscape, stage of the event.

You are not ready for the 42 kilometers yet but you don’t want to miss out on the fun? The Padova Half Marathon is the perfect race for you.
A challange that, unsurprisingly, was immediatly accepted by thousands of running enthusiasts.

The great novelty of this 25th edition: amacronometric non-competitive race, which follows the same route as the longer Stracittadina – with start and finish in Prato della Valle, in the heart of Padua – but with an early start and dedicated services.

The best way to get in shape? Simple: go running, perhaps with a goal in front of you.
A goal like the Stracittadine, the non-competitiveraces combined with the Padua Marathon, which return in three different variants (1, 5 and 10 kilometres), all starting and finishing in Prato della Valle.

Favourable altitude profile, ideal road surface, route closed to traffic, assistance offered from start to finish.
These are just some of the ingredients that over the years have contributed to making Padua a reference point for the Paralympicworld.